Slow News
- Tortoise Media for daily
- Delayed Gratification for quarterly
Mac and iOS
- Mac Open Web from Brian Warren
- Quality Crafted Mac Apps from Sindre Sorhus
- Fosstodon for micro-blogging
- Bookwyrm for book lovers
- Castopod for podcasters
- Fediverse Explorer for nice tag exploration
Big Tech Alternatives
- Purely Mail for e-mail
- Kagi for search
- The Wizard of AI made by Alan Warburton
- Hypernormalisation made by Adam Curtis
Blogs / Newsletters
- Own Your Web a newsletter from Matthias Ott
- The Marginalian a blog from Maria Popova
- Morning Dew C#/Dotnet a newsletter from Alvin Ashcraft
- a blog from Julia Evans
Articles / Essays
- (Cyber)punk Is Dead written by Molly Noise
- Maybe we should start over written by The Doctor